Reiki Master Practitioner Course

Advanced Reiki Training

This two day course is for you if you have been immersing yourself in and practising Reiki at level 2 – Okuden, for a while. You are engaging with the changes that a regular practice of Reiki is both prompting and supporting. You are ready to deepen your connection to the four Aspects of Reiki.
  • Reiki as Healing Practice in the form of treatments. You may be offering Reiki formally as a professional service, but this is not a prerequiste for taking this course, The basic practice of Reiki is in the form of self-treatments, for your own wellbeing. This is an opportunity to explore further and build on healing self and others with Reiki:
  • Reiki as a path of personal development. Learning Reiki is an invitation to become more attuned to your needs. What do you need to fully release or surrender to express your authentic self? What mental, physical and emotional healing do you need to attend to, to step into your higher purpose and develop your gifts?
  • Reiki as Spiritual Path. What does it mean to be human? Finding purpose and fulfilment is at the core of all spiritual traditions, philosophies and religions. Reiki is not a religion. Underpinned by its Precepts, its meditative practice is a path of mindful self-inquiry and discovery that guides you to your own spiritual understanding.
  • Mystic Order. The practice of Reiki allows you to develop a deep connection to the wonder and energy of all Life, a deep sense of the interconnectedness of all beings and a sense of expansion beyond our obvious every day five sensory reality.

In the course of these two days, you will receive the appropriate attunement and empowerments.

We will:

  • meditate together
  • practice the Hara defining exercise
  • practice intuitive healing

We will explore:

  • the Reiki Kotodama
  • Reiki and crystals
  • using a crystal grid for healing and distance healing
  • aura clearing
  • chakra perception and balancing
  • Japanese Reiki healing techniques
  • self-empowerments with the Reiki Master Symbol and more

The course fee is £290 and includes a manual and a crystal grid. To secure your place you can pay the deposit of £80, either using PayPal or BACS transfer, the balance being payable on the first day of training.



LOCATION: Harrogate, HG1, North Yorkshire

COST: £290.00 (inc. all training materials)

Also available  by arrangement on 2 consecutive or non-consecutive days. Exclusive one-to-one Reiki Advanced Training is £330.

Please get in touch if you are interested in taking this course with me. 

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Reiki and EFT Courses and workshops in Harrogate, North Yorkshire

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