Reiki Retreat 2025

Rest Reflect Renew Reiki Retreat

1 - 4 May 2025 at The Haybergill Centre, Cumbria

Building Resilience and Finding Calm in Times of Change
When you learn REIKI, you are generally looking for change: change in your health, in your outlook or your circumstances. It is a time of taking stock and moving forward.

All that REIKI requires of us is that we RELAX into it, let it flow and let it change what needs changing. We are invited to participate in ALLOWING the energy to work through us, to change us.

CHANGE happens whether we are ready or not. While we cannot always manage the circumstances, we can learn to manage our internal chemistry.

The invitation

This 3-day full board RETREAT is aimed at those who have taken REIKI to Level 2 or above. It combines the practice of Reiki with an exploration of spiritual practice and how we manage challenge and change.

I am not proposing to give you something you do not already have. I am inviting you to enjoy a safe space in which to contemplate what really matters to you.

Hence this is a unique opportunity to:

  • REST - have time out
  • REFLECT-  on where you are in your life
  • explore the questions of change and spirituality that may have arisen for you through learning and/or practising REIKI
  • RENEW - develop and increase your resilience in times of change and chaos by:
  • exploring holistic spiritual tools that may help you dissolve ‘stuckness’ and reconnect to your core
  • allowing your heart to sing.

The Retreat has been designed with great care to provide a blend of facilitated activity and reflection/non-doing or alone time, and offers a flexible range of options each day.

Whether you are looking for quiet contemplative time, or ideas, inspiration and sharing, we create and hold a safe space in which each participant can feel FREE to learn, engage, explore and ‘just be’.

Within this flexibility, about three hours each day will be set aside for REIKI CIRCLE for those who wish to participate.

I am an experienced facilitator and coach, I have a passionate belief in people’s capacity to grow, develop and empower themselves, and I bring a blend of practicality, humour and open-heartedness to my work. Drawing on a wide range of resources, exercises, meditations and activities, I tailor the focus of each day to the energy and interests of the group, whilst staying mindful that any retreat is a completely unique experience for each individual.

My intention is to provide a nurturing and encouraging environment in which participants can feel free to ask for and find what they need. I also provide a mini-resource centre/library.

Although not specifically designed as a ‘group event’, participants together create a supportive atmosphere in which much laughter, life experience and Reiki is shared!

Accommodation is for 3 nights, in single or shared twin bedded rooms. The 6 bedrooms on the ground floor, most of which open onto a sheltered decking area leading to the garden, all have their own en-suite bathroom. There are two further dormer rooms.

You are invited to attend this very special event at a very special venue. All Reiki styles and lineages are welcome, so long as you hold a Second Degree level.

The three days are intended to help you access even more of your potential in working with this universal energy.

Places on the Retreat are limited to a maximum of 12 participants, so to find out how to book your place on this special event, you are invited to complete an application form, so please get in touch.

The cost for this Retreat, including 3 nights and full board is £515 per person sharing a twin room and £585 for single accommodation. All rooms have their own bathroom.


I had such an amazing few days & I’m still processing all the many ways in which it benefited me. I feel incredibly clear and blessed by the whole experience and though I had some really challenging stuff to come back to I’ve stayed centred and compassionate. You facilitated something truly alchemical this weekend. And I’m deeply grateful.”


Anyone considering the idea of a Reiki retreat would gain so much from going to Haybergill . Taking place during Springtime is a reminder of new beginnings for all. Especially oneself. Engaging with fellow retreaters to journey forward to discover new revelations, about yourself and your intended direction in life whilst healing and being healed in order to take the next step in life. Martine provides a safe space to facilitate this, her level of support is gentle, yet encouraging, providing an element of humour to give confidence for each person to ‘find their way’. To meet so many inspiring people, to make new friends, to have renewed energy, beliefs and insight and also to enjoy so many Reiki shares all in one venue and have amazingly delicious food and beautiful walks with great company.- what more could anyone ask for! Next year cannot come soon enough.”
Linda Davis


I thoroughly enjoyed my time and experiences throughout my time at Haybergill. I enjoyed the guided visualisations and really appreciated you allowing me to join you in giving empowerments to others and yourself. It was a lovely experience simply being around you, however when giving you an empowerment and feeling your energy even more closely was something I cannot describe, the best I can manage is that you seem to radiate love and compassion. I liked how you gave everybody the time and space we needed to FEEL instead of trying to THINK and ANALYSE our way through things. I will recommend this retreat to others.”
Christian Chalfont


I’ve been to many workshops and been to other retreats too but Haybergill is special. Martine makes it special. There is a structure to the retreat but you are free to follow it or not. You can meditate if you like or you can read your book, you can stare at the beautiful countryside or give or receive Reiki. You have a choice and no one is judging you if you just want to rest instead of talking to others. The food is excellent and you know that your next meal is going to be JUST DELICIOUS. There is something for everyone. I have already booked for next year because I want to have a weekend just for me – somewhere peaceful away from the hassle of everyday life, where I can relax, think about what I want to do, where I want to go, share experiences with others if I want to or just close my eyes and feel the experience. If you are wondering whether to go or not, try it, I am sure you will like it. Go there, open your heart and allow yourself to be free.”
Pat Watson


I booked myself on the weekend as a much needed mini Reiki- MOT for myself- I left 3 days later with some much needed (but entirely unexpected) clarity on three major life issues which I have been facing for sometime, knew I needed to do “something” about but never managed to find the time to work them through. I cannot recommend this experience highly enough- try it – it might just change your life, if you are willing to!”
LM, Glasgow


….Haybergill was a wonderful experience, with lots of Reiki and time for personal reflection. I came away feeling cleansed and calm but also with lots to think about”.
Julie Cooper, North Yorkshire


Among the benefits I have taken from this retreat, is being more focused and calmer about my future (and past), and I have re-found my lively energetic spirit, that had been a bit buried for a while.”
JH, London


The time at the retreat made me realise what a wonderful world we truly live in and how blessed we all are, something that we don’t always see. I now feel that I have more tools to work with in my life, and for that I thank you all.”
N Henriques, London


Many thanks for the wonderful opportunity you gave to all of us , not only to heal and change all that needed healing and changing, but also a chance to meet so many loving and kind people…I now firmly believe that there are enough loving and kind people on earth to make it a safe and happy place.”
R Kumar, London


The retreat is the kind of experience that helps one to keep that inner stillness in one’s centre even when all about is hustle and bustle!”
Dr. A Williamson, Lancashire


A most rewarding weekend with lively, friendly, like-minded people.”
Sandra T., London


This is much more than a retreat, it’s more an “engage” where a total immersion in the world of Reiki can bring about some profound changes to physical health and understanding of the nature of Reiki and the Universe as a whole.”
Nick Blacknell, Surrey


The retreat was better than expected. For the first time in too many years, I had time for me and I’ve found that when life gets tough, I try to remember how I felt on the last day of the retreat and life becomes more manageable. The week-end was well-structured but at the same time very flexible, with no compulsion to ‘take part’. The added bonus was excellent food and even better company.”
C Buecheler, Peterborough


First time Reiki Retreat. Fantastic experience. Haybergill is a wonderful and peaceful place to spend time with lovely people. Money well spent. The only place I have been to, where the owners bent over backwards to meet their guests’ dietary requirements.”
Georgette Forster-Pert, Hants


The retreat made me take stock of some of the things in my life that needed to be faced or changed. By the end of the course, I was feeling much more relaxed and had resolved some issues. I wish I had started the retreat in the frame of mind in which I finished it.”
Liz Denton, Scotland

Reiki Retreat 2025Reiki Retreat 2025Reiki Retreat 2025Reiki Retreat 2025Reiki Retreat 2025Reiki Retreat 2025Reiki Retreat 2025Reiki Retreat 2025
Martine Moorby - Annual Reiki retreat

2025 Reiki Retreat

Building Resilience in Times of Change

When you learn REIKI, you are generally looking for change: change in your health, in your outlook or your circumstances. It is a time of taking stock and moving forward.

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