Reiki Courses

Welcome to the Reiki courses in Harrogate information page.

You can book your Reiki course by clicking on the level of training you require, where you will find course information, training dates, and a paypal button to secure your place by paying a deposit. You can also contact me for further information or about further Reiki course dates with me in the lovely town of Harrogate in Yorkshire.

Reiki Course: Level 1 - SHODEN

Reiki Course: Level 1 - SHODEN

Anyone who is open-minded and interested in self-healing and self development can learn Reiki. It’s about wellness and peace.

Reiki Course: Level 2 – OKUDEN

Reiki Course: Level 2 – OKUDEN

If you have completed the first degree of Reiki training (Shoden), then this is your next step on the Reiki path.

Reiki Circles and Healing Room Meditation

Reiki Circles and Healing Room Meditation

Reiki Circles or Shares allow you to meditate with like-minded Reiki attuned folk, hone your skills and give and receive Reiki. It is also an opportunity to send Distance Healing to causes, places and people that need love, support and healing. Reiki Circles are also about community.

Reiki Master Practitioner Course

Reiki Master Practitioner Course

This two day course is for you if you have been immersing yourself in and practising Reiki at level 2 – Okuden, for a while.

Reiki Drum Technique

Reiki Drum Technique

Drumming has been used throughout history for healing and for ceremony by many cultures around the globe.

Reiki Master Teacher Training

Reiki Master Teacher Training

If you feel a calling to teach Reiki and to pass its attunements and empowerments to others, then this course is for you.

Reiki Retreat 2025

Reiki Retreat 2025

This 3-day RETREAT is aimed at those who have taken REIKI to Level 2 or above and are looking to rest, reflect, renew and participate in a daily Reiki Circle.

Reiki Energy Retreat Day

Reiki Energy Retreat Day

Did you train in Reiki recently or a long time ago? Do you practise every day or only very occasionally? The important thing is, You love Reiki.

Reiki Energy Day for Masters

Reiki Energy Day for Masters

A special gathering and retreat day for Reiki Masters and Master Practitioners only.

Martine Moorby - Annual Reiki retreat

2025 Reiki Retreat

Building Resilience in Times of Change

When you learn REIKI, you are generally looking for change: change in your health, in your outlook or your circumstances. It is a time of taking stock and moving forward.

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Reiki and EFT Courses and workshops in Harrogate, North Yorkshire

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